The implementation of the rights of teenagers at risk in order to help them develop and reach their potential.
Also to be integrated into society as productive citizens by means of community frameworks based outside their homes.
מלגות להשכלה גבוהה
לורם איפסום דולור סיט אמט, קונסקטורר אדיפיסינג אלית ליבם סולגק. בראיט ולחת צורק מונחף, בגורמי מגמש. תרבנך וסתעד לכנו סתשם השמה – לתכי מורגם בורק?
שיפוץ והצטיידות
2 מתוך 34 מסגרות שעמותת אותות מפעילה זקוקות לתרומה של שיפוץ והצטיידות 1. בן גלים – במהלך עשרים השנים האחרונות מאז היוסדו, פועל בהרצליה הוסטל
תרפיה משפחתית
לורם איפסום דולור סיט אמט, קונסקטורר אדיפיסינג אלית קולהע צופעט למרקוח איבן איף, ברומץ כלרשט מיחוצים. קלאצי סחטיר בלובק. תצטנפל בלינדו למרקל אס לכימפו, דול,
About Us
Goals And Missions
The association sees itself committed to care for youths and young people who are at the edges of the educational-treatment spectrum in Israel.
OTOT Association appreciates the contribution of its dedicated volunteers who assist with this important journey to rescue youths at risk.
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Within the association exists a wide variety of projects in the fields of sports, music, education, and more. See our projects page for more details.
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The OTOT Association, a registered nonprofit association, was established in 1981 to provide an out-of-home solution within the community for teens and young adults at risk from peripheral populations. It offers treatment within out-of-home frameworks for more than 2,300 teens and young adults each year, and its entire frameworks are operated under the supervision of the Welfare Ministry.
The association operates 34 housing frameworks and solutions for young people throughout the country and provides them, within these frameworks, with care, education and rehabilitation, while integrating them within the surrounding community.
It offers solutions for youth and young adults from different backgrounds and operates designated frameworks for the Jewish and Arab sectors, as well as for the ultra-Orthodox and religious sectors and the LGBT community.
Contact Us
Address: Harutzim 18, Talpiot, ISRAEL ● Email: ● Telephone: +972-2-6710095 ● Fax: +972-2-678614